Work From Home Desk Essentials
Personalizing your at-home desk with the objects, treats and products that make you happiest is one perk of working remotely. Here’s a glimpse at Sylvie, Olivia and Alex’s workspaces and their WFH must-haves.

Olivia’s Desk
“Fresh flowers cut from the garden brighten my workspace along with shells from trips to the beach. I have a radiation-shielding EMF blocker on my laptop. Bottles of Thieves and rose essential oils offer immune protection and uplifting fragrance. For a refreshing boost, I have Pure Rosewater spray and to heal and soothe from any excessive dryness from handwashing I have our super-soothing organic Bébé Camellia and Lavender Balm. And Lip Potion! It works wonders.”

Sylvie’s Desk
“My work table has a jade plant for a dose of greenery inside. I also always have a bottle of immune-boosting essential oils which I dab on my wrists and an antiviral spray from the Sophia Health Institute that I use after being outside. My Aromacologie must-haves are also at an arm’s reach—Pure Rosewater has Rose de Mai which helps ease headaches from too much time on my computer and phone. Retinol Hand Cream helps heal my hands from constant scrubbing.”

Alex’s Desk
“Pure Rosewater helps calm me throughout the day and I like to keep Blue Light Protection Hyaluronic Serum on hand to combat screen time, which has increased by 1000% !My watch keeps me on time for back-to-back conference calls and the freshly cut daffodils from my garden keep me cheered up with their sunny hues!”